Video Subscriptions
Streaming video subscriptions are available in three-month blocks on a variety of topics. The available options are listed below; please take note of any prerequisites. CME credits are NOT available for these streaming video series. Please allow up to one business day after placing your order for HMI staff to validate any prerequisites and set up access to the online video platform.
- Course Curriculum Video Series
This subscription provides access to the Core Curriculum and Specialty Videos for three months. This video series is the same as the Home Study videos included as part of the Medical Acupuncture for Physicians course. This video series is available to HMI graduates only.
- Medical Acupuncture in Specialty Practice: Guidance for Generalists
This subscription provides access to the Intermediate-Level Virtual Course titled “Medical Acupuncture in Specialty Practice: Guidance for Generalists” that was originally offered in Fall 2022. The virtual course was composed of three hours of video lectures followed by a 1.5-hour Q&A Webinar. The video lectures feature presentations by the following HMI preceptors:
- Mitchell Elkiss, DO, on Medical Acupuncture and Neurology
- Bart Denys, MD, on Medical Acupuncture and Cardiology
- Doug Powell, MD, on Medical Acupuncture and Gynecology
- Maya Myslenski, MD, on Medical Acupuncture and Pediatrics
The subscription provides access for three months and includes all four lectures and the webinar recording.
This video series is available to HMI graduates only, or graduates of another 200+ hour Medical Acupuncture course.
- Medical Acupuncture: Approaches to Stress Management
This subscription provides access to the Intermediate-Level Virtual Course titled “Medical Acupuncture: Approaches to Stress Management” that was originally offered in Spring 2023. The virtual course was composed of four hours of video lectures followed by a 1.5-hour Q&A Webinar, with Senior HMI faculty discussing the physiology, diagnosis, and management of both acute and chronic extraordinary stress. The content is immediately useful and relevant to current clinical practice.
The following lectures were presented:
- “The HMI Stress Algorithm: A framework for comprehensive stress management” – David Groopman, MD
- “Neurophysiology of stress, extraordinary stress, and medical acupuncture” – Mitchell Elkiss, DO
- “Pandemic Stress” – Tate Kauffman, MD
- “Auricular Acupuncture for Stress: Case Presentation in Varied Setting” – Tammy Lindsay, MD
- Two immediately applicable lectures from the HMI archives were included in the course as well: “Clearing Blocks: A Five Element Perspective” (Warren Morganstein, DDS, M.Ac.) & “Stress Diagnosis and Clinical Manifestations” (Nick Kouchis, MD)
The subscription provides access for three months and includes all six lectures and the webinar recording.
This video series is available to HMI graduates only, or graduates of another 200+ hour Medical Acupuncture course.
- Curious Meridians: Theory & Practice
This subscription provides access to the Intermediate-Level Virtual Course titled “Curious Meridians: Theory & Practice” that was originally offered in Fall 2023. The virtual course was composed of 3.5 hours of video lectures followed by a 1.5-hour Q&A Webinar, with Senior HMI faculty discussing the theory and foundations of Curious Meridians, as well as the clinical applications including headaches, infertility, and more.
The following lectures were presented:
- “Curious Meridians: Theory, Practice, and Headache Applications” – Mitchell Elkiss, DO
- “Curious Meridians: A Perspective From Evolutionary Psychiatry” – Brad Lawrence, MD
- “Curious Meridians: How To Enhance Effectiveness & Applications for Infertility” – Doug Powell, MD
- “Korean Hand Therapy and Curious Meridians” – Maya Myslenski, MD
- “Trauma Processing and Curious Meridians” – David Groopman, MD
The subscription provides access for three months and includes all five lectures and the webinar recording.
This video series is available to HMI graduates only, or graduates of another 200+ hour Medical Acupuncture course.
- Current Trends in Auricular Acupuncture
This subscription provides access to the Intermediate-Level Virtual Course titled “Current Trends in Auricular Medicine” that was originally offered in Spring 2024. The virtual course was composed of 3.5 hours of video lectures followed by a 1.5-hour Q&A Webinar, all of which are included here in streaming video format. The lectures first review the basics of Auricular Acupuncture, then continue with discussions on more advanced topics and current trends.
The following lectures were presented:
- “Auricular Acupuncture Foundation” – Gavin Elliott, M.D.
- “Auricular Trauma Protocol” – Mitchell Elkiss, D.O.
- “Semipermanent Needles & Metabolic Syndrome” – Tate Kauffman, M.D.
- “Auricular Acupuncture & Addiction” – Tammy Lindsay, MD
- “Selected Topics of Auricular Medicine: Magnets, AGAM, and Polyvagal Theory” – David Groopman, MD
The subscription provides access for three months and includes all five lectures and the webinar recording.
This video series is available to HMI graduates only, or graduates of another 8+ hour Auricular Acupuncture course.
- Medical Acupuncture in Cancer Management & Palliative Care
This subscription provides access to the Intermediate-Level Virtual Course titled “Medical Acupuncture in Cancer Management & Palliative Care” that was originally offered in Summer 2024. The virtual course was composed of 3.5 hours of video lectures followed by a 1.5-hour Q&A Webinar, all of which are included here in streaming video format.
Cancer patients present to us with a wide variety of symptoms and problems amenable to integrative acupuncture inputs across many specialties and in primary care settings. The evidentiary basis for using acupuncture and specific therapeutic interventions and strategies will be discussed.
The following lectures were presented:
- “Support of the Patient” – Tate Kauffman, M.D.
- “Medical Acupuncture for Neutropenia” – David Groopman, M.D.
- “Post Traumatic and Acute Stress in Cancer Patients – David Groopman, M.D.
- “Radiation Therapy Side Effects” – David Groopman, M.D.
- “Acupuncture and Oncology” – Douglass Powell, M.D.
- “Lymphedema in Cancer Management” – David Groopman, M.D.
- “5 Elements Approach to Death and Dying” – Tammy Lindsay, M.D.
- “Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy” – David Groopman, M.D.
The subscription provides access for three months and includes all eight lectures and the webinar recording.
This video series is available to HMI graduates only, or graduates of another 200+ hour Medical Acupuncture course.