Upcoming Courses

WINTER – FALL 2025 course has the first two primary clinical course units delivered in Tempe, Arizona and the third primary clinical course unit delivered in Potomac, Maryland (outside of Washington D.C.):

Module One:  January 16-19, 2025 (Arizona)
Module Two:  April 24-27, 2025 (Arizona)
Module Three:  September 11-14, 2025 (Maryland)

SPRING – FALL 2025 course has all three primary clinical course units in Potomac, Maryland (outside of Washington D.C.):

Module One:  March 13-16, 2025 (Maryland)
Module Two:  June 19-22, 2025 (Maryland)
Module Three:  September 11-14, 2025 (Maryland)

  • The final day of each in-person module ends at noon local time.
  • Home Study assignments for this cohort average 7 hours per week through the duration of the course.

There are home study requirements before the first session (~12 hours) and between each of the subsequent units. There will also be additional shorter virtual teaching sessions between the primary units. Participants must attend all three units in sequence to complete the course.

Early enrollment is encouraged, as HMI courses nearly always fill to capacity!


Current Courses

Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 course has the following primary clinical units in Tempe, Arizona:

Module One:  November 9-12, 2023
Module Two:  February 1-4, 2024
Module Three:  May 30 – June 2, 2024

Spring – Fall 2024 course has the following primary course units in Potomac, Maryland (outside Washington D.C.):

Module One:  March 21-24, 2024
Module Two:  June 27-30, 2024
Module Three:  September 26-29, 2024